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1.NAFIPS/IFIS/NASA '94. Proceedings of the First International Joint Conference of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society Biannual Conference. The Industrial Fuzzy Control and Intelligent Systems Conference, and the NASA Joint Technolo
2.NAMAS Accreditation for High Voltage Measurements and Tests (Digest No. 1997/049), IEE Colloquium on
3.Nanobioscience, IEEE Transactions on
4.Nanobiotechnology, IEE Proceedings -
5.Nanostructures and Quantum Dots/WDM Components/VCSELs and Microcavaties/RF Photonics for CATV and HFC Systems, 1999 Digest of the LEOS Summer Topical Meetings
6.Nanotechnology and Quantum Computing (Ref. No. 2000/140), IEE Seminar on
7.Nanotechnology, 2001. IEEE-NANO 2001. Proceedings of the 2001 1st IEEE Conference on
8.Nanotechnology, 2002. IEEE-NANO 2002. Proceedings of the 2002 2nd IEEE Conference on
9.Nanotechnology, 2003. IEEE-NANO 2003. 2003 Third IEEE Conference on
10.Nanotechnology, 2004. 4th IEEE Conference on
11.Nanotechnology, 2005. 5th IEEE Conference on
12.Nanotechnology, 2006. IEEE-NANO 2006. Sixth IEEE Conference on
13.Nanotechnology, IEEE Transactions on
14.National Aerospace and Electronics Conference, 2000. NAECON 2000. Proceedings of the IEEE 2000
15.National Radio Propagation Programme, IEE Colloquium on
16.Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering, 2003. Proceedings. 2003 International Conference on
17.Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering, 2005. IEEE NLP-KE '05. Proceedings of 2005 IEEE International Conference on
18.Natural Language Understanding, IEE Colloquium on
19.Navigation in Entertainment Services (Ref. No. 1998/247), IEE Half-day Colloquium on
20.Navigation, Guidance and Control on Aerospace, IEE Colloquium on
21.NDT 1992: Non-Destructive Testing in the Single European Market, IEE Colloquium on
22.NDT Evaluation of Electronic Components and Assemblies, IEE Colloquium on
23.NDT in Archaeology and Art, IEE Colloquium on
24.NDT Technology in Aerospace, IEE Colloquium on
25.Network and Distributed System Security, 1995., Proceedings of the Symposium on
26.Network and Distributed System Security, 1996., Proceedings of the Symposium on
27.Network and Distributed System Security, 1997. Proceedings., 1997 Symposium on
28.Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video, 1997., Proceedings of the IEEE 7th International Workshop on
29.Network Computing and Applications, 2001. NCA 2001. IEEE International Symposium on
30.Network Computing and Applications, 2003. NCA 2003. Second IEEE International Symposium on
31.Network Computing and Applications, 2004. (NCA 2004). Proceedings. Third IEEE International Symposium on
32.Network Computing and Applications, 2006. NCA 2006. Fifth IEEE International Symposium on
33.Network Computing and Applications, Fourth IEEE International Symposium on
34.Network Management - User Perspective, IEE Colloquium on
35.Network Management and Signalling, IEE Colloquium on
36.Network Management for Personal and Mobile Telecommunications Systems (Digest No. 1994/195), IEE Colloquium on
37.Network Management System Architecture (Digest No: 1996/076) IEE Colloquium on
38.Network Management, IEE Colloquium on
39.Network Operations and Management Symposium, 1992. NOMS '92. Networks Without Bounds., IEEE 1992
40.Network Operations and Management Symposium, 1994. Symposium Record., 1994 IEEE
41.Network Operations and Management Symposium, 1996., IEEE
42.Network Operations and Management Symposium, 1998. NOMS 98., IEEE
43.Network Operations and Management Symposium, 2000. NOMS 2000. 2000 IEEE/IFIP
44.Network Operations and Management Symposium, 2002. NOMS 2002. 2002 IEEE/IFIP
45.Network Operations and Management Symposium, 2004. NOMS 2004. IEEE/IFIP
46.Network Operations and Management Symposium, 2006. NOMS 2006. 10th IEEE/IFIP
47.Network Pricing, Investment and Access: A Review of International Experiences, IEE Colloquium on
48.Network Protocols Ninth International Conference on ICNP 2001
49.Network Protocols, 1993. Proceedings., 1993 International Conference on
50.Network Protocols, 1994. Proceedings., 1994 International Conference on
51.Network Protocols, 1995. Proceedings., 1995 International Conference on
52.Network Protocols, 1996. Proceedings., 1996 International Conference on
53.Network Protocols, 1997. Proceedings., 1997 International Conference on
54.Network Protocols, 1998. Proceedings. Sixth International Conference on
55.Network Protocols, 1999. (ICNP '99) Proceedings. Seventh International Conference on
56.Network Protocols, 2000. Proceedings. 2000 International Conference on
57.Network Protocols, 2002. Proceedings. 10th IEEE International Conference on
58.Network Protocols, 2003. Proceedings. 11th IEEE International Conference on
59.Network Protocols, 2004. ICNP 2004. Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on
60.Network Protocols, 2005. ICNP 2005. 13th IEEE International Conference on
61.Network, IEEE
62.Networked Appliances, 2002. Gaithersburg. Proceedings. 2002 IEEE 4th International Workshop on
63.Networked Appliances, 2002. Liverpool. Proceedings. 2002 IEEE 5th International Workshop on
64.Networking and Communication, 2004. INCC 204. International Conference on
65.Networking and Services, 2006. ICNS '06. International conference on
66.Networking Aspects of Radio Communication Systems , IEE Colloquium on
67.Networking Aspects of Small Terminal Satellite Systems, IEE Colloquium on
68.Networking with Ultra Wide Band and Workshop on Ultra Wide Band for Sensor Networks, 2005. Networking with UWB 2005. 2nd International Workshop
69.Networking, Architecture, and Storages, 2006. IWNAS '06. International Workshop on
70.Networking, IEEE/ACM Transactions on
71.Networking, International Conference on Systems and International Conference on Mobile Communications and Learning Technologies, 2006. ICN/ICONS/MCL 2006. International Conference on
72.Networking, Sensing and Control, 2004 IEEE International Conference on
73.Networking, Sensing and Control, 2005. Proceedings. 2005 IEEE
74.Networking, Sensing and Control, 2006. ICNSC '06. Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Conference on
75.Networks for Personal Communications, 1994. Conference Proceedings. 1994
76.Networks, 1993. International Conference on Information Engineering '93. 'Communications and Networks for the Year 2000', Proceedings of IEEE Singapore International Conference on
77.Networks, 1995. Theme: 'Electrotechnology 2000: Communications and Networks'. [in conjunction with the] International Conference on Information Engineering., Proceedings of IEEE Singapore International Conference on
78.Networks, 1999. (ICON '99) Proceedings. IEEE International Conference on
79.Networks, 2000. (ICON 2000). Proceedings. IEEE International Conference on
80.Networks, 2001. Proceedings. Ninth IEEE International Conference on
81.Networks, 2002. ICON 2002. 10th IEEE International Conference on
82.Networks, 2003. ICON2003. The 11th IEEE International Conference on
83.Networks, 2004. (ICON 2004). Proceedings. 12th IEEE International Conference on
84.Networks, 2005. Jointly held with the 2005 IEEE 7th Malaysia International Conference on Communication., 2005 13th IEEE International Conference on
85.Neural and Fuzzy Systems: Design, Hardware and Applications (Digest No: 1997/133), IEE Colloquium on
86.Neural Engineering, 2003. Conference Proceedings. First International IEEE EMBS Conference on
87.Neural Engineering, 2005. Conference Proceedings. 2nd International IEEE EMBS Conference on
88.Neural Information Processing, 1999. Proceedings. ICONIP '99. 6th International Conference on
89.Neural Information Processing, 2002. ICONIP '02. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on
90.Neural Interface and Control, 2005. Proceedings. 2005 First International Conference on
91.Neural Nets in Human-Computer Interaction, IEE Colloquium on
92.Neural Network Applications and Tools. Workshop on (1993)
93.Neural Network Applications in Electrical Engineering, 2000. NEUREL 2000. Proceedings of the 5th Seminar on
94.Neural Network Applications in Electrical Engineering, 2002. NEUREL '02. 2002 6th Seminar on
95.Neural Network Applications in Electrical Engineering, 2004. NEUREL 2004. 2004 7th Seminar on
96.Neural Networks and Brain, 2005. ICNN&B '05. International Conference on
97.Neural Networks and Signal Processing, 2003. Proceedings of the 2003 International Conference on
98.Neural Networks for Identification, Control, Robotics, and Signal/Image Processing, 1996. Proceedings., International Workshop on
99.Neural Networks for Image Processing Applications, IEE Colloquium on
100.Neural Networks for Industrial Applications (Digest No. 1997/014), IEE Colloquium on
101.Neural Networks for Ocean Engineering, 1991., IEEE Conference on
102.Neural Networks for Signal Processing IX, 1999. Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE Signal Processing Society Workshop
103.Neural Networks for Signal Processing VIII, 1998. Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE Signal Processing Society Workshop
104.Neural Networks for Signal Processing X, 2000. Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE Signal Processing Society Workshop
105.Neural Networks for Signal Processing XI, 2001. Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE Signal Processing Society Workshop
106.Neural Networks for Signal Processing [1991]., Proceedings of the 1991 IEEE Workshop
107.Neural Networks for Signal Processing [1992] II., Proceedings of the 1992 IEEE-SP Workshop
108.Neural Networks for Signal Processing [1993] III. Proceedings of the 1993 IEEE-SP Workshop
109.Neural Networks for Signal Processing [1994] IV. Proceedings of the 1994 IEEE Workshop
110.Neural Networks for Signal Processing [1995] V. Proceedings of the 1995 IEEE Workshop
111.Neural Networks for Signal Processing [1996] VI. Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE Signal Processing Society Workshop
112.Neural Networks for Signal Processing [1997] VII. Proceedings of the 1997 IEEE Workshop
113.Neural Networks for Signal Processing, 2002. Proceedings of the 2002 12th IEEE Workshop on
114.Neural Networks for Signal Processing, 2003. NNSP'03. 2003 IEEE 13th Workshop on
115.Neural Networks for Systems: Principles and Applications, IEE Colloquium on
116.Neural Networks in Interactive Multimedia Systems (Ref. No. 1998/446), IEE Colloquium on
117.Neural Networks Proceedings, 1998. IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence. The 1998 IEEE International Joint Conference on
118.Neural Networks to Power Systems, 1991., Proceedings of the First International Forum on Applications of
119.Neural Networks to Power Systems, 1993. ANNPS '93., Proceedings of the Second International Forum on Applications of
120.Neural Networks, 1988., IEEE International Conference on
121.Neural Networks, 1989. IJCNN., International Joint Conference on
122.Neural Networks, 1990., 1990 IJCNN International Joint Conference on
123.Neural Networks, 1991. 1991 IEEE International Joint Conference on
124.Neural Networks, 1991., IJCNN-91-Seattle International Joint Conference on
125.Neural Networks, 1992. IJCNN., International Joint Conference on
126.Neural Networks, 1993. IJCNN '93-Nagoya. Proceedings of 1993 International Joint Conference on
127.Neural Networks, 1993., IEEE International Conference on
128.Neural Networks, 1994. IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence., 1994 IEEE International Conference on
129.Neural Networks, 1995. Proceedings., IEEE International Conference on
130.Neural Networks, 1996., IEEE International Conference on
131.Neural Networks, 1997. Proceedings., IVth Brazilian Symposium on
132.Neural Networks, 1998. Proceedings. Vth Brazilian Symposium on
133.Neural Networks, 1999. IJCNN '99. International Joint Conference on
134.Neural Networks, 2000. IJCNN 2000, Proceedings of the IEEE-INNS-ENNS International Joint Conference on
135.Neural Networks, 2000. Proceedings. Sixth Brazilian Symposium on
136.Neural Networks, 2001. Proceedings. IJCNN '01. International Joint Conference on
137.Neural Networks, 2002. IJCNN '02. Proceedings of the 2002 International Joint Conference on
138.Neural Networks, 2002. SBRN 2002. Proceedings. VII Brazilian Symposium on
139.Neural Networks, 2003. Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on
140.Neural Networks, 2004. Proceedings. 2004 IEEE International Joint Conference on
141.Neural Networks, 2005. IJCNN '05. Proceedings. 2005 IEEE International Joint Conference on
142.Neural Networks, 2006. IJCNN '06. International Joint Conference on
143.Neural Networks, IEEE Transactions on
144.Neural Networks,1997., International Conference on
145.Neural Networks: Design Techniques and Tools, IEE Colloquium on
146.Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, IEEE Transactions on [see also IEEE Trans. on Rehabilitation Engineering]
147.Neuro-Fuzzy Systems, 1996. AT'96., International Symposium on
148.Neuroinformatics and Neurocomputers, 1992., RNNS/IEEE Symposium on
149.Neuroinformatics and Neurocomputers, 1995., Second International Symposium on
150.Neurological Signal Processing, IEE Colloquium on
151.New Advances in Optical Recording Technology, IEE Colloquium on
152.New Applications in Modelling and Inversion Techniques for Non-Destructive Testing (Ref. No. 1999/020), IEE Colloquium on
153.New Concepts in the Treatment of Waste by Electricity, IEE Colloquium on
154.New Developments and Opportunities in Global Navigation Satellite Systems, 2005. The IEE Seminar on (Ref. No. 2005/10810)
155.New Developments in 3D Image Capture and Application, IEE Colloquium on
156.New Developments in Ceramics Manufacturing (Ref. No. 1998/474), IEE Seminar
157.New Developments in Electric Vehicles for Disabled Persons, IEE Colloquium on
158.New Developments in Optical Amplifiers (Ref. No. 1998/492), IEE Colloquium on
159.New Developments in Power Semiconductor Devices, IEE Colloquium on
160.New Developments in Power Semiconductor Devices, IEE Colloquium on (Digest No: 1996/046)
161.New Developments in Pulsed Power Technology, IEE Colloquium on
162.New Directions in Adaptive Signal Processing, IEE Colloquium on
163.New Directions in VLSI Design, IEE Colloquium on
164.New EMC Issues in Design: Techniques, Tools and Components Seminar, The IEE
165.New Frontiers in Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks, 2005. DySPAN 2005. 2005 First IEEE International Symposium on
166.New High Capacity Digital Media and Their Applications (Digest No: 1997/114), IEE Half-Day Colloquium on
167.New Magnetic Materials - Bonded Iron, Lamination Steels, Sintered Iron and Permanent Magnets (Digest NMo. 1998/259), IEE Colloquium on
168.New Materials for Information Storage, IEE Colloquium on
169.New Microscopies in Medicine and Biology, IEE Colloquium on
170.New Permanent Magnet Materials and their Applications, IEE Colloquium on
171.New Product Introduction in Electronics (Ref. No. 2000/047), IEE Seminar
172.New Security Paradigms Workshop, 1994. Proceedings
173.New Security Paradigms Workshop, 1995. Proceedings
174.New Synchronisation Techniques for Radio Systems, IEE Colloquium on
175.New Techniques in Providing Customer Services with Copper, IEE Colloquium on
176.New Technologies, New Standards (Ref. No. 1998/519), IEE 5th CCSDS Workshop
177.New Technology Application in Manufacturing and Supply Chain, 2006. The Institution of Engineering and Technology Seminar on (Ref. No. 2006/11443)
178.New Topologies for Permanent Magnet Machines (Digest No: 1997/090), IEE Colloquium on
179.Next Generation I.T. in Manufacturing (Digest No: 1997/315), IEE Colloquium on
180.Next Generation Internet Design and Engineering, 2006. NGI '06. 2006 2nd Conference on
181.Next Generation Internet Networks, 2005
182.Next Generation Manufacturing: Future Trends in Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management (Digest No: 1996/278), IEE Colloqiuum on
183.Next Generation Web Services Practices, 2005. NWeSP 2005. International Conference on
184.Next Steps for Industrial Robotics, IEE Colloquium on
185.NMR/MRI used in NDT, IEE Colloquium on
186.Non-Ceramic Insulators for Overhead Lines, IEE Colloquium on
187.Non-Contacting and Remote NDT, IEE Colloquium on
188.Non-Destructive Evaluation, IEE Colloquium on
189.Non-Linear Control, IEE Colloquium on
190.Non-Linear Effects in Fibre Communications, IEE Colloquium on
191.Non-Linear Filters, IEE Colloquium on
192.Non-Linear Modelling of Microwave Devices and Circuits, IEE Colloquium on
193.Non-Linear Optical Waveguides, IEE Colloquium on
194.Non-Linear Signal and Image Processing (Ref. No. 1998/284), IEE Colloquium on
195.Non-Volatile Memory Technology Symposium, 2004
196.Non-Volatile Memory Technology Symposium, 2005
197.Non-Volatile Semiconductor Memory Workshop, 2006. IEEE NVSMW 2006. 21st
198.Nonlinear Digital Signal Processing, 1993. IEEE Winter Workshop on
199.Nonlinear Optics '98: Materials, Fundamentals and Applications Topical Meeting
200.Nonlinear Optics: Materials, Fundamentals, and Applications, 1994. NLO '94 IEEE
201.Nonlinear Optics: Materials, Fundamentals, and Applications, 2000. Technical Digest
202.Nonlinear Optics: Materials, Phenomena and Devices, 1990. Digest. NLO '90.
203.Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing, 2005. NSIP 2005. Abstracts. IEEE-Eurasip
204.Nonrigid and Articulated Motion Workshop, 1997. Proceedings., IEEE
205.Nonvolatile Memory Technology Conference, 1996., Sixth Biennial IEEE International
206.Nonvolatile Memory Technology Conference, 1998. 1998 Proceedings. Seventh Biennial IEEE
207.Nonvolatile Memory Technology Review, 1993
208.Norchip Conference, 2004. Proceedings
209.NORCHIP Conference, 2005. 23rd
210.Northcon 95. I EEE Technical Applications Conference and Workshops Northcon95
211.Northcon/93. Conference Record
212.Northcon/94 Conference Record
214.Northcon/98 Conference Proceedings
215.Novel Antenna Measurement Techniques, IEE Colloquium on
216.Novel Display Technologies, IEE Colloquium on
217.Novel DSP Algorithms and Architectures for Radio Systems (1999/184), IEE Colloquium on
218.Novel Methods of Location and Tracking of Cellular Mobiles and Their System Applications (Ref. No. 1999/046), IEE Colloquium on
219.Novel Techniques for Antenna Beam Control, IEE Colloquium on
220.Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Record, 1995., 1995 IEEE
221.Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, 1991., Conference Record of the 1991 IEEE
222.Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, 1992., Conference Record of the 1992 IEEE
223.Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, 1993., 1993 IEEE Conference Record.
224.Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, 1994., 1994 IEEE Conference Record
225.Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 2000 IEEE
226.Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 2001 IEEE
227.Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 2002 IEEE
228.Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 2003 IEEE
229.Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 2004 IEEE
230.Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 2005 IEEE
231.Nuclear Science Symposium, 1990. Conference record : Including Sessions on Nuclear Power Systems and Medical Imaging Conference, 1990 IEEE
232.Nuclear Science Symposium, 1996. Conference Record., 1996 IEEE
233.Nuclear Science Symposium, 1997. IEEE
234.Nuclear Science Symposium, 1998. Conference Record. 1998 IEEE
235.Nuclear Science Symposium, 1999. Conference Record. 1999 IEEE
236.Nuclear Science, IEEE Transactions on
237.Nucleonic Instrumentation, IEE Colloquium on
238.Numerical Analysis of Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits, 1987. NASCODE V. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on the
239.Numerical Modeling of Processes and Devices for Integrated Circuits, 1990. NUPAD III. 1990 Workshop on
240.Numerical Modeling of Processes and Devices for Integrated Circuits, 1992. NUPAD IV. Workshop on
241.Numerical Modeling of Processes and Devices for Integrated Circuits, 1994. NUPAD V., International Workshop on
242.Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices, 2004. NUSOD '04. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on
243.Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices, 2005. NUSOD '05. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on
244.Numerical Simulation of Semiconductor Optoelectronic Devices, 2003. NUSOD 2003. Proceedings of the IEEE/LEOS 3rd International Conference on