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Journal Collection: ALL

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1. Accounts of Chemical Research
2. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
3. ACS Chemical Biology
4. ACS Combinatorial Science
5. ACS Nano
6. Analytical Chemistry
7. Biochemistry
8. Bioconjugate Chemistry
9. Biomacromolecules
10. Biotechnology Progress
11. Chemical Research in Toxicology
12. Chemical Reviews
13. Chemistry of Materials
14. Crystal Growth & Design
15. Energy & Fuels
16. Environmental Science & Technology
17. I&EC Product Research and Development
18. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry
19. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Analytical Edition
20. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Chemical & Engineering Data Series
21. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Fundamentals
22. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Process Design and Development
23. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Product Research and Development
24. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
25. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, News Edition
26. Inorganic Chemistry
27. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
28. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data
29. Journal of Chemical Documentation
30. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences
31. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling
32. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation
33. Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry
34. Journal of Industrial & Engineering Chemistry
35. Journal of Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry
36. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
37. Journal of Natural Products
38. Journal of Proteome Research
39. Journal of the American Chemical Society
40. Langmuir
41. Macromolecules
42. Molecular Pharmaceutics
43. Nano Letters
44. News Edition, American Chemical Society
45. Organic Letters
46. Organic Process Research & Development
47. Organometallics
48. Product R&D
49. The Journal of Organic Chemistry
50. The Journal of Physical and Colloid Chemistry
51. The Journal of Physical Chemistry
52. The Journal of Physical Chemistry
53. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A
54. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B
55. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C