Case Acquisition Contact

Dr. Shri Ram
Deputy Librarian-cum-Assitant Professor
Nava Nalanda Central Library
Phone: +91 175 239 3040
Google Scholar Profile
Dr. Shri Ram joined Central Library in 2015. Prior to joining Thapar University, he was working at Jaypee University of Information Technology, Solan for about a period of 13 years. He has an experience of about 16 years in managerial capacity. He has done PhD in Library and Information Science from Osmania Univeristy Hyderabad along with M.Sc. in Anthropology and Clear UGC-NET (Libary and Information Science.) He has been awarded with Commonwealth Professional Fellowship in September 2013 and visited University of East London for a period of Three Months. He has published about 45 papers in various national and international jouranls and conference of repute. He has visited Barcelona (Spain), London (UK), Edinburg (Scotland), Hong Kong, Thailand for various international events and project works.
Shri Ram (2017). Library and Information Services for Bioinformatics Education and Research. USA: IGI Global, p.300.
Book Chapter(s) :
Shri Ram (2015). Library Services and Resource Utility as a Measure of Student Success. In Suresh Jange, Quality and Excellence in Librarianship (pp. 141-153). Dharwad: Sarpan Prakashana. [ISBN : 9788193177150].
Journals(s) :
Shri Ram (2020), Coronavirus Research Trends: A 50–Year Bibliometric Assessment, Science and Technology Libraries, 39(2), 210-226
Shri Ram (2019), “Carpal tunnel syndrome:” A bibliometric study of 35 years of research. Neurology India, Vol. 67, Iss. 7, pp. 55 [Impact Factor (2018): 2.708]
Shri Ram (2018). “Word Blindness” (Dyslexia) : A Bibliometric Analysis of Global Research in Last Fifty Years. DESIDOC Journal of Library and Information Technology, 38 (4), 286-294.
Shri Ram (2018). India's Contribution and Research Impact Leishmaniasis Research: A Bibliometric Analysis. Journal of Scientometric Research, 7 (1), 38-44.
Shri Ram (2017). Global muscular dystrophy research: A 25-year bibliometric perspective. Neurology India, 65 (5), 993-1000.
Shri Ram (2017). Indian contribution to breast cancer research: a bibliometric analysis. Annals of Library and Information Studies (ALIS) 64 (2), 99-105.
Shri Ram (2016). Global Ice Bucket Challenge (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) Research. Annals of Neuroscience, 24 (July/October).
Shri Ram, Nitin Paliwal (2016). Management of University Research Publication: A Case Study of JUIT Publication Database (JPubDB). DEDIDOC Journal of Library and Information Technology, 36 (4), 212-219.
Shri Ram (2016). A quantitative assessment of “chikungunya” research publications, 2004-2013. Tropical Journal of Medical Research, 19 (1), 52-60.
Shri Ram (2015). Global Research Productivity in the Field of Dermatoglyphics: A Quantitative Assessment of 50 Years of Journal Article Output. Science and Technology Libraries, 34 (3), 257-371.
Conferences :
Shri Ram, Sanjay Kataria, John Paul Anbu K. (2015). Bibliometric Study of the Literature on Ebola Virus Research. Proceedings of the International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics, and Scientometrics [11 : New Delhi : 26-28 November 2015], pp.75-81.
Shri Ram (2015). Scientometric perspective on global Research in Cholelithiasis (gallstones). Proceedings of the International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics, and Scientometrics, [11 : New Delhi : 26-28 November 2015], pp.391-402.