Central Library is Subscribing Ouriginal (URKUND) (http://urkund.com) under MHRD arrangement for promoting Academic Integrity in Scholarly Communication.
How to Get a URKUND Credentials
Apply through this online form or write to urkund@thapar.edu giving your
For students : Name, Branch, Enrollment Number valid @thapar.edu email
For Faculty : Name, Designation, Department and Valid @thapar.edu email
View Ouriginal (URKUND) Demo
Once Your Account is Activated at URKUND
One you get an email from urkund@thapar.edu about activation your account at URKUND Plagiarism platform and you have received TWO emails from noreply@urkund.com.
Verify your account by clicking the links given in both the emails. This will activate your ‘RECIEVER’ and ‘SUBMITTER’ account
An Analysis account (.thapar@analysis.urkund.com) also will be automatically created which can be used when asked for at the time of document submission.
From Drop Down menu select this email
Visit https://www.urkund.com/login/
Click at WebApp. Please set up a password and start using the platform.
URKUND is a tool for similarity (Plagiarism) checking. It is an internet-based tool which detects similarity of the content matches with the different documents in your writing.
Step by Step Procedure and Few points of consideration before uploading documents to URKUND
The platform is preferably used for checking of Theses, Capstone Projects and Research Articles only. Do not use it to check the daily assignment through the plagiarism software Urkund.
Login using at http://urkund.com using WebAPP
Upload using Button “Upload Document” available at Top Right Corner
Enter your analysis address
Submit the document only when you have finished it as a FINAL DRAFT. Do not submit documents in bits and pieces. Prefer to submit documents for a maximum of two times, one is Final draft and other is the Final Copy after correction of the similarity report received after first checking the Final draft.
In Subject Line provide title of the report/thesis/article
Rename file title with the title of the report/thesis/article
Do not submit same document multiple times, else it will show 100% similarity. If it is shows 100% similarity of previous document, change the setting, and un-check the radio button “Search in Urkund Archive”.
An email will be received with the report may be after some time to 24 hours. Download and analyses report and remove similarity in discussion with your mentor/supervisor/faculty
You may be allocated limited quota for checking your project report keeping in view of the large number of users in campus.
We have noticed that the complete paper has been copied from an already published article and uploaded to the URKUND for similarity checking. Once it is completely copied it will certainly have 100 percent similarity.
Submitting the same document again and again will hamper the counting of the license allotted to us. If we notice that the same document has been checked more than two times, your account will be deactivated.
Be sure that you are checking a very genuine content. You are well aware that how much content you are copying other sources, and if you had copied a chunk of the content from Internet, article, books etc, there is no use of the using similarity checking
Please keep in your mind that the resources are meant for fair use. Misuse by any user of the TIET will hamper the availability of the resources to other potential users
Please spare some time to give your feedback about Plagiarism available at https://bit.ly/2z2ZwVz
In case of any assistance, feel free to contact the library.