1. | Advertising & Society Review |
2. | Africa Today |
3. | Africa: The Journal of the International African Institute |
4. | African American Review |
5. | African Conflict & Peacebuilding Review |
6. | African Studies Review |
7. | Aleph: Historical Studies in Science and Judaism |
8. | American Annals of the Deaf |
9. | American Book Review |
10. | American Catholic Studies |
11. | American Imago |
12. | American Jewish History |
13. | American Journal of Mathematics |
14. | American Journal of Philology |
15. | American Journal of Theology & Philosophy |
16. | American Literary Realism |
17. | American Literary Scholarship |
18. | American Literature |
19. | American Music |
20. | American Periodicals: A Journal of History, Criticism, and B |
21. | American Quarterly |
22. | American Speech |
23. | American Studies |
24. | An Sionnach: A Journal of Literature, Culture, and the Arts |
25. | Anales Galdosianos |
26. | Anthropological Linguistics |
27. | Anthropological Quarterly |
28. | Appalachian Heritage |
29. | Archives of Asian Art |
30. | Arctic Anthropology |
31. | Arethusa |
32. | Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies |
33. | Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture |
34. | Arthuriana |
35. | ASEAN Economic Bulletin |
36. | Asia Policy |
37. | Asian Bioethics Review |
38. | Asian Music |
39. | Asian Perspectives |
40. | Asian Theatre Journal |
41. | Auto-Biography Studies |
42. | Azalea: Journal of Korean Literature & Culture |
43. | Biography |
44. | Black Camera |
45. | Black Music Research Journal |
46. | Black Women, Gender & Families |
47. | Book History |
48. | Bookbird: A Journal of International Children's Literature |
49. | boundary 2 |
50. | Bridges: A Jewish Feminist Journal |
51. | Brookings Papers on Economic Activity |
52. | Brookings Papers on Education Policy |
53. | Brookings Trade Forum |
54. | Brookings-Wharton Papers on Financial Services |
55. | Brookings-Wharton Papers on Urban Affairs |
56. | Buddhist-Christian Studies |
57. | Buildings & Landscapes: Journal of the Vernacular Architectu |
58. | Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books |
59. | Bulletin of the Comediantes |
60. | Bulletin of the History of Medicine |
61. | Callaloo |
62. | Camera Obscura |
63. | Canadian Ethnic Studies |
64. | Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice |
65. | Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science |
66. | Canadian Journal of Law and Society |
67. | Canadian Journal of Philosophy |
68. | Canadian Journal of Women and the Law |
69. | Canadian Journal on Aging / La Revue canadienne du vieilliss |
70. | Canadian Public Policy |
71. | Canadian Review of American Studies |
72. | Canadian Theatre Review |
73. | Caribbean Studies |
74. | Change Over Time |
75. | Children's Literature |
76. | Children's Literature Association Quarterly |
77. | China Review International |
78. | China: An International Journal |
79. | Cinema Journal |
80. | Civil War History |
81. | Classical World |
82. | Collaborative Anthropologies |
83. | College Literature |
84. | Common Knowledge |
85. | Comparative Critical Studies |
86. | Comparative Drama |
87. | Comparative Literature Studies |
88. | Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle Eas |
89. | Comparative Technology Transfer and Society |
90. | Computer Music Journal |
91. | Configurations |
92. | Conradiana |
93. | Conservative Judaism |
94. | Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture |
95. | Contemporary Literature |
96. | Contemporary Southeast Asia: A Journal of International and |
97. | CR: The New Centennial Review |
98. | Criticism |
99. | Cuban Studies |
100. | Cultural Critique |
101. | Dance Research |
102. | Dance Research Journal |
103. | Demography |
104. | Diacritics |
105. | Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies |
106. | Dictionaries: Journal of the Dictionary Society of North Ame |
107. | Differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies |
108. | Discourse |
109. | Dissent |
110. | e-Service Journal |
111. | Early American Literature |
112. | Early American Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal |
113. | East Asian Science, Technology and Society: an International |
114. | Eastern Africa Social Science Research Review |
115. | Ecological Restoration |
116. | Econom?a |
117. | Education and Culture |
118. | Education and Treatment of Children |
119. | Eighteenth-Century Fiction |
120. | Eighteenth-Century Life |
121. | Eighteenth-Century Studies |
122. | eire-Ireland |
123. | ELH |
124. | English Literature in Transition, 1880-1920 |
125. | Episteme: A Journal of Social Epistemology |
126. | ESC: English Studies in Canada |
127. | ESQ: A Journal of the American Renaissance |
128. | Essays in Medieval Studies |
129. | Ethics & the Environment |
130. | Ethnohistory |
131. | Feminist Formations |
132. | Feminist Teacher |
133. | Film & History: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Film and Tel |
134. | Film History: An International Journal |
135. | Fourth Genre: Explorations in Nonfiction |
136. | Framework: The Journal of Cinema and Media |
137. | Franciscan Studies |
138. | Francophonies d'Am?rique |
139. | French Colonial History |
140. | French Forum |
141. | French Historical Studies |
142. | Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies |
143. | Future Anterior |
144. | Genocide Studies and Prevention |
145. | Geographical Analysis |
146. | George Herbert Journal |
147. | Global Environmental Politics |
148. | GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies |
149. | Goethe Yearbook |
150. | Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies |
151. | Hastings Center Report |
152. | Hebrew Studies |
153. | Helios |
154. | Hesperia |
155. | Hispania |
156. | Hispanic American Historical Review |
157. | Hispanic Review |
158. | Histoire social/Social history |
159. | Historically Speaking |
160. | Histories of Anthropology Annual |
161. | History & Memory |
162. | History in Africa |
163. | History of Political Economy |
164. | Holy Land Studies: A Multidisciplinary Journal |
165. | Hopscotch: A Cultural Review |
166. | Human Biology |
167. | Human Rights Quarterly |
168. | Humanity: An International Journal of Human Rights, Humanita |
169. | Hume Studies |
170. | Hypatia |
171. | IEEE Annals of the History of Computing |
172. | Imagine |
173. | Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies |
174. | International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics |
175. | International Organization |
176. | International Security |
177. | Intertexts |
178. | Israel Studies |
179. | Italian Culture |
180. | James Joyce Quarterly |
181. | JEGP, Journal of English and Germanic Philology |
182. | Jeunesse: Young People, Texts, Cultures |
183. | Jewish Quarterly Review |
184. | Jewish Social Studies |
185. | Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies |
186. | Journal for the Psychoanalysis of Culture and Society |
187. | Journal for the Study of Radicalism |
188. | Journal of American Folklore |
189. | Journal of Asian American Studies |
190. | Journal of Biblical Literature |
191. | Journal of Burma Studies |
192. | Journal of Canadian Studies |
193. | Journal of Chinese Overseas |
194. | Journal of Cold War Studies |
195. | Journal of College Student Development |
196. | Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History |
197. | Journal of Democracy |
198. | Journal of Early Christian Studies |
199. | Journal of Education Finance |
200. | Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion |
201. | Journal of Film and Video |
202. | Journal of Folklore Research |
203. | Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
204. | Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law |
205. | Journal of Interdisciplinary History |
206. | Journal of Jewish Identities |
207. | Journal of Korean Studies |
208. | Journal of Late Antiquity |
209. | Journal of Latin American Geography |
210. | Journal of Literary & Cultural Disability Studies |
211. | Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies |
212. | Journal of Middle East Women's Studies |
213. | Journal of Modern Greek Studies |
214. | Journal of Modern Literature |
215. | Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking |
216. | Journal of Narrative Theory |
217. | Journal of Policy History |
218. | Journal of Scholarly Publishing |
219. | Journal of Slavic Linguistics |
220. | Journal of Social History |
221. | Journal of Song-Yuan Studies |
222. | Journal of Sport History |
223. | Journal of Sports Media |
224. | Journal of the Early Republic |
225. | Journal of the History of Ideas |
226. | Journal of the History of Philosophy |
227. | Journal of the History of Sexuality |
228. | Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society |
229. | Journal of the Southwest |
230. | Journal of Victorian Culture |
231. | Journal of Women's History |
232. | Journal of World History |
233. | Joyce Studies Annual |
234. | Ka Ho'oilina/The Legacy |
235. | Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal |
236. | Korean Studies |
237. | Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History |
238. | L'Esprit Cr?ateur |
239. | La cor?nica: A Journal of Medieval Hispanic Languages, Liter |
240. | Labor Studies Journal |
241. | Labour / Le Travail |
242. | Landscape Journal: design, planning, and management of the l |
243. | Language |
244. | Late Imperial China |
245. | Latin American Music Review |
246. | Latin American Politics & Society |
247. | Latin American Research Review |
248. | Latin American Theatre Review |
249. | Le mouvement social |
250. | Legacy: A Journal of American Women Writers |
251. | Leonardo |
252. | Leonardo Music Journal |
253. | Libraries & the Cultural Record |
254. | Library Trends |
255. | Linguistic Inquiry |
256. | Literature and Medicine |
257. | Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture |
258. | Luso-Brazilian Review |
259. | Magic, Ritual, and Witchcraft |
260. | Manoa |
261. | Marvels & Tales |
262. | Mechademia |
263. | Mediterranean Quarterly |
264. | MELUS: Multi-Ethnic Literature of the U.S. |
265. | Meridians: feminism, race, transnationalism |
266. | Merrill-Palmer Quarterly |
267. | MFS Modern Fiction Studies |
268. | Milton Quarterly |
269. | Minnesota Review |
270. | MLN |
271. | MLQ: Modern Language Quarterly |
272. | Modern Drama |
273. | Modernism/modernity |
274. | Monatshefte |
275. | Monumenta Nipponica |
276. | Mosaic: a journal for the interdisciplinary study of literat |
277. | Mouseion: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada |
278. | Music, Sound, and the Moving Image |
279. | Nabokov Studies |
280. | Narrative |
281. | Nashim: A Journal of Jewish Women's Studies & Gender Issues |
282. | Native Plants Journal |
283. | Native South |
284. | Nepantla: Views from South |
285. | New England Review |
286. | New Hibernia Review |
287. | New Labor Forum |
288. | New Literary History |
289. | NINE: A Journal of Baseball History and Culture |
290. | Nineteenth-Century French Studies |
291. | Nka: Journal of Contemporary African Art |
292. | Northeast African Studies |
293. | Notes |
294. | Nouvelles ?tudes Francophones |
295. | Nuevo Texto Cr?tico |
296. | NWSA Journal |
297. | Oceanic Linguistics |
298. | Ohio History |
299. | Oral Tradition |
300. | Pacific Science |
301. | PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art |
302. | Paragraph |
303. | Parergon |
304. | Parliamentary History |
305. | Partial Answers: Journal of Literature and the History of Id |
306. | Pedagogy |
307. | Pennsylvania History: A Journal of Mid-Atlantic Studies |
308. | Perspectives in Biology and Medicine |
309. | Perspectives on Science |
310. | Philip Roth Studies |
311. | Philippine Studies |
312. | Philosophy & Public Affairs |
313. | Philosophy and Literature |
314. | Philosophy and Rhetoric |
315. | Philosophy East and West |
316. | Philosophy of Music Education Review |
317. | Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology |
318. | Ploughshares |
319. | Poetics Today |
320. | Population Review |
321. | Population, English edition |
322. | portal: Libraries and the Academy |
323. | positions: east asia cultures critique |
324. | Postmodern Culture |
325. | Prairie Schooner |
326. | Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Educati |
327. | Prooftexts |
328. | Public Culture |
329. | Quaker History |
330. | Qui Parle: Critical Humanities and Social Sciences |
331. | Race/Ethnicity: Multidisciplinary Global Contexts |
332. | Radical History Review |
333. | Radical Teacher |
334. | Red Cedar Review |
335. | Register of the Kentucky Historical Society |
336. | Renaissance Quarterly |
337. | Research in African Literatures |
338. | Resources for American Literary Study |
339. | Restoration: Studies in English Literary Culture, 1660-1700 |
340. | Reviews in American History |
341. | Revista Hisp?nica Moderna |
342. | Rhetoric & Public Affairs |
343. | River Teeth: A Journal of Nonfiction Narrative |
344. | Romani Studies |
345. | Romanticism |
346. | SAIS Review |
347. | Science Fiction Film and Television |
348. | SEL Studies in English Literature 1500-1900 |
349. | Seminar: A Journal of Germanic Studies |
350. | Serbian Studies: Journal of the North American Society for S |
351. | Sewanee Review |
352. | Shakespeare Bulletin |
353. | Shakespeare Quarterly |
354. | SHAW The Annual of Bernard Shaw Studies |
355. | Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies |
356. | Sign Language Studies |
357. | Sirena: poesia, arte y critica |
358. | Small Axe |
359. | Social Science History |
360. | Social Text |
361. | Sojourn: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia |
362. | South Central Review |
363. | Southeast Asian Affairs |
364. | Southeastern Geographer |
365. | Southern Cultures |
366. | Southwestern Historical Quarterly |
367. | Spiritus: A Journal of Christian Spirituality |
368. | Steinbeck Review |
369. | Steinbeck Studies |
370. | StoryWorlds: A Journal of Narrative Studies |
371. | Studies in American Fiction |
372. | Studies in American Indian Literatures |
373. | Studies in American Jewish Literature |
374. | Studies in American Naturalism |
375. | Studies in Bibliography |
376. | Studies in Eighteenth Century Culture |
377. | Studies in Latin American Popular Culture |
378. | Studies in Philology |
379. | Studies in the Age of Chaucer |
380. | Studies in the Novel |
381. | Studies in World Christianity |
382. | SubStance |
383. | Syllecta Classica |
384. | symploke |
385. | TDR: The Drama Review |
386. | Technology and Culture |
387. | Tenso |
388. | Texas Studies in Literature and Language |
389. | Textual Cultures: Texts, Contexts, Interpretation |
390. | The American Indian Quarterly |
391. | The American Journal of Bioethics |
392. | The Americas |
393. | The Bulletin of Hispanic Studies |
394. | The Byron Journal |
395. | The Canadian Historical Review |
396. | The Canadian Journal of Linguistics / La revue canadienne de |
397. | The Canadian Journal of Sociology |
398. | The Canadian Modern Language Review / La revue canadienne de |
399. | The Catholic Historical Review |
400. | The Chaucer Review |
401. | The Comparatist |
402. | The Contemporary Pacific |
403. | The Eighteenth Century |
404. | The Emily Dickinson Journal |
405. | The Future of Children |
406. | The Global South |
407. | The Good Society |
408. | The Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics |
409. | The Hemingway Review |
410. | The Henry James Review |
411. | The High School Journal |
412. | The Hopkins Review |
413. | The Innes Review |
414. | The Journal of Aesthetic Education |
415. | The Journal of Developing Areas |
416. | The Journal of General Education |
417. | The Journal of Higher Education |
418. | The Journal of Japanese Studies |
419. | The Journal of Medieval Religious Cultures |
420. | The Journal of Military History |
421. | The Journal of Modern Periodical Studies |
422. | The Journal of Nietzsche Studies |
423. | The Journal of Speculative Philosophy |
424. | The Journal of the Civil War Era |
425. | The Journal of the History of Childhood and Youth |
426. | The Lion and the Unicorn |
427. | The Middle East Journal |
428. | The Missouri Review |
429. | The Moving Image |
430. | The Pluralist |
431. | The Review of Higher Education |
432. | The Scottish Historical Review |
433. | The South Atlantic Quarterly |
434. | The Southern Literary Journal |
435. | The Tocqueville Review/La revue Tocqueville |
436. | The Velvet Light Trap |
437. | The Washington Quarterly |
438. | The Yale Journal of Criticism |
439. | The Yearbook of Comparative Literature |
440. | Theater |
441. | Theatre Journal |
442. | Theatre Topics |
443. | Theory & Event |
444. | Theory Into Practice |
445. | Tolkien Studies |
446. | Toronto Journal of Theology |
447. | Transactions of the American Philological Association |
448. | Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society: A Quarterly J |
449. | Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa |
450. | Transition |
451. | Translation and Literature |
452. | Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature |
453. | Twentieth-Century China |
454. | U.S. Catholic Historian |
455. | University of Toronto Law Journal |
456. | University of Toronto Quarterly |
457. | Utopian Studies |
458. | Victorian Periodicals Review |
459. | Victorian Poetry |
460. | Victorian Studies |
461. | Visual Arts Research |
462. | Wallace Stevens Journal |
463. | West Virginia History: A Journal of Regional Studies |
464. | Western American Literature |
465. | Wicazo Sa Review |
466. | Wide Angle |
467. | William Carlos Williams Review |
468. | Women and Music: A Journal of Gender and Culture |
469. | Women in German Yearbook: Feminist Studies in German Literat |
470. | World Policy Journal |
471. | World Politics |
472. | WSQ: Women's Studies Quarterly |
473. | Yearbook of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers |