Bibliographic Databases
Central Library is subscribing a a large collection of bibliographic databases and can be accessed from throughout the campus. Follow respective links below to access e-books
1. EBSCOHost Business Source Premier
EBSCOHost Business Source Premier is accessible throughout the campus of Thapar University. The EBSCOhost Business Source Premier database collection have an access to about 2200+ fulltext journals, case studies, market report, business wire report, Web News Collection, Newspaper Source Plus, Research Starters, Entrepreneurial Studies Source. Click EBSCOHost Logo to Access.
2. Web of Knowledge
The Web of Science is an online subscription-based scientific citation indexing service maintained by Thomson Reuters that provides a comprehensive citation search
3. J-Gate Custom Content for Consortium(JCCC)
JCCC is a virtual library of journal literature created as a customized e-journals access gateway and database solution. It acts as a one point access to 7900+ journals subscribed currently under UGC- Infonet digital library consortium.JCCC is J-Gate Custom Content service for providing a customized gateways for access to journals subscribed by a library, in print or electronic version. JCC acts as:
a. Single log-on gateway for library's subscribed journals with link to full text
b. A customized Table of Content (TOC) Service with a searchable database for library's journal literature collection.
4. MathSciNet
MathSciNet is an electronic publication offering access to a carefully maintained and easily searchable database of reviews, abstracts and bibliographic information for much of the mathematical sciences literature.
Statistical Databases
Library and Learning Center is subscribing a a large collection of core databases in the area of Business and Management.
1. ProwessIQ