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  • Library Profile

    The Central Library Thapar University is housed in a centrally air conditioned spacious premises covering an area of 25,000 square feet. The central library is the core of academic services, and therefore, become a key place in academic and research activities. With its collection of over 89746 books, it provides the ready to use information support to its users. Besides printed books and journals, central library collection includes e-Books, bound volume of journals, CD-ROMs, DVD, On-line databases, audio-video material, standards, specifications, theses, reports etc. The library collection consists of Textbooks, Reference Books, Book Bank, Encyclopedias, Handbooks, Standards, etc in the field of all Engineering discipline and sciences, and humanities. Library remains open 24x7 throughout the year, even on gazette holidays. However, Essential services are available till 8:30 PM. Most of the library operations are automated. Library catalogue (OPAC) can be searched from anywhere and subscribed e-resources can be accessed from the Campus only. The emphasis of the library is to provide personalized information services in terms of subject support, research support, and content delivery to target user with minimum time. The library services are fully automated with modern web based library management system with automatics alert system..

    Working Hours

    The Library is open 24 hours.
    Lending services are available Monday to Saturday 8.00 AM to 8.30 PM.


    Library Resources (Print Collection)

    The Library has a total collection about 60,000 printed volumes including books, textbooks, standards and theses & dissertations. Books are organized on open access shelves in various collections.

    General Collection:

    This is the largest collection of books in the library. Books for professional reading, research and supplementary texts are kept in this collection.

    Reference Collection:

    While most books are available for loan books in Reference Section, Theses & Dissertations, Periodicals and Standards can be consulted within the library. subject to copyright regulations reference material can be photocopied. Photocopy Service is available in the library.

    Textbooks Collection:

    Textbooks for undergraduate courses are kept in a separate collection. Since only a limited number of copies of each title are available, students are encouraged to buy their own textbooks. attractive discounts have been arranged from some book dealers to Institute Students.

    Book Bank:

    Students can also avail of Book Bank facility which is maintained with the grant from the Central and State Government. The facility is meant primarily for students of weaker sections allows lending of textbooks for the whole semester.

    Light Reading Collection:

    While the strength of collection lies in technical subjects, an impressive light reading (leisure, sports, fiction, self-development) collection is available for loan.

    Course Material:

    Course material in a large number of subjects, prepared by experts under the sponsorships of agencies such as All India Technical Education are very good help for studies. You may find these course materials in the General Books section. In due course, web based course ware will be made available online.

    Journals and Magazines:

    Only journals with professional and research orientation are subscribed by the Central library. General magazines etc are mostly subscribed by hostel libraries. Library subscribes to several daily newspapers including on each in Hindi and Punjabi are subscribed by the regularly.

    Search Complete Journals catalogue

    Links to E-journals

    Question Papers:

    Question papers of past years are available at the Help Desk for reference. You can make photocopies of relevant papers on charge basis. We are making efforts to make the papers available in electronic form.

    Question Papers:

    Question papers of past years are available at the Help Desk for reference. You can make photocopies of relevant papers on charge basis. We are making efforts to make the papers available in electronic form.


    Electronic Library

    The library has established access to a large number of online and CD-ROM based electronic information resources, such as bibliographic databases and electronic journals. Theses and dissertations submitted to the Institute in electronic format since 2003 are also now available online on DSpace server.


    How to locate books in the Library

    If you are looking for all the books on a particular subject, it is convenient to browse the shelves for that subject. Library books are arranged within each collection by their Subject Codes using Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) System.

    DDC uses a hierarchical coding system which means sub groups fall within the same array of codes. For example-

    Engineering                    620

    Civil Engineering            624 

    Bridge Engineering         624.2

    DDC codes for other main subject groups are:

    000-099    General Works

    100-199    Philosophy

    200-299    Religion

    300-399    Social Sciences

    400-499    Language

    500-599    Natural Sciences

    600-699    Applied Sciences

    700-799    Arts

    800-899    Literature

    900-999    History & Geography                        

    OPAC - Online Public Access Catalogue

    All the books may not be available on the shelf as many of them might have been borrowed by other members. To see a complete list of books on a particular subject one should look at the library catalogue. Library catalogue can also be used for checking particular titles by author's name, key-word or title. Library catalogue is computerized and can be accessed from a terminal in the library. Library catalogue can also be searched using a common web browser from any terminal located on the Campus.

    Assistance in searching the catalogue or locating books is available from the Help Desk.

    Suggestions for New Books:

    Library members are encouraged to suggest new books for additions to the Library. Suggestion forms are available at the Help Desk. Please route your requests through the Head of your Department/School. Books that can be useful in study or research to members are procured. Please do not forget to check the New Acquisition display racks for recently acquired titles.

    Borrowing Books

    After selecting your books from the library shelves please present the same at the lending counter along with your membership card. Only members are entitled to borrow books from the library. If you are not already a member you may enroll yourself at the Help Desk, where a copy of Library Rules outlining the borrowing privileges and other terms is also available. In case the book that you wish to borrow is not readily available on the shelf you may request the same to be reserved for you. The library operations are fully automated. You may enquire about status of your loans, reservations etc any time at the Help Desk.

    Useful Contacts




    Acting Librarian



    Learner Zone


    Information Scientist



    Perodical Section



    Help Desk



    Lending Counter



    Acquisition Section



    *Please prefix area code 0175 and 239 when dialing from outside the campus