Here are commonly asked questions about the Library. For answers to questions not addressed here, browse the web site or submit your question to the Suggestions page.
- How to enroll for the Library?
- Who can become member of the Nava Nalanda Library?
- What is the fee for membership?
- What are the formalities to be completed to become member of this Library?
- From where can we get the form for membership registration?
- Where is the help desk located?
- What type of help can I get at the help desk?
- What are the rules of Library and from where I can know about these rules?
- How to get a book issued?
- How many books can be issued?
- What is the fine for delay in return of book?
- How to get a book reserved which is not available on the shelf?
- How to replace a lost book lost?
- What is the procedure of getting a duplicate library card?
- What services are offered at the reference desk
- If a book is not available in the library but is worth to be purcahsed or library , what is the procedure to recommend it?
- For how many days an overnight book is issued and what is the over due fine for it?
How to enroll for the Library:-
For enrollment as a member application form duly filled with appropriate identification, recommendation/introduction should be submitted at the Help Desk in the Scholar’s Zone, along with the requisite fee, if applicable, and one additional photograph of 1.5”x1.5” size.
Membership of Paid members may be introduced and recommended by the employer/Officer in-charge/Section in-charge where he is employed. Introducer will stand personal surety of the applicant. The introducer will be responsible for making the member return books borrowed by the member, make good any losses incurred by the Institute on account of Library Membership of the Member introduced by him.
Visit 2.1 -membership to know the details.
- Who can become member of the Nava Nalanda Library
The library services are open to registered members
Visit 2.2 to know the details of categories of persons who are eligible to enroll as membership of the Library.
- What is the fee for membership:-Fee for the paid members is as given below
Local Engineers--Security Rs.2000/- Annual fee Rs.200/-
Ad-hoc faculty members Security Rs.2000/-
- What are the formalities to be completed to become member of this Library: -
Please see How to enroll for the Library
- From where can we get the form for membership registration:-Membership form can be had from guard on duty at First Floor and from the staff at the help desk.
- Where is the help desk located: - Help desk is located on first floor in both the Zone’s (Learner’s Zone as well as Scholar’s Zone)
- What type of help can I get at the help desk:- The reference desk or information desk or help desk of a library is a public service desk where professional staff of the library provides library users with direction to library materials, advise on library services and assist users to find general information from the library's resources. Library users can consult the staff at the reference desk for help in finding information. Typically, a reference desk can be consulted either in person, by telephone, or through email, although a library user may be asked to come to the library in person for help with more involved research questions. If a desired book has been checked out, one can place the book 'on hold', which prevents the person who has checked it out from renewing it, and the person who placed the 'hold' is notified when the book has been returned. Interlibrary loan of books and other material from other libraries.
- What are the rules of Library and from where I can know about these rules: - All the rules of library are available at Return to top of page
- How to get a book issued:- First to know all details of the required book, check from OPAC its details as well as availability status. Then go to the respective shelf, take out the book and then fill the issue slip (available near OPAC terminal). Produce book along with your Library Membership card and issue slip at the circulation desk. The staff at the circulation desk will scan book and your card. At the entry point get your book checked by the guard on duty.
- How many books can be issued :- Visit 3. book loans
- What is the fine for delay in return of book :-
Visit 3.7 Due-date for return of books and consequences of delay in return
- How to get a book reserved which is not available on the shelf :- Visit 3.6 Reservation
- How to replace a lost book lost:-
Visit 3.9 Loss or damage of books borrowed from the Library by the memberoptions.
- What is the procedure of getting a duplicate library card:- Fill the form for issuing of duplicate ticket, available at the help desk in the Scholar’s zone. Submit filled form along with a photograph at the help desk. A fee of Rs, 25 is charged for preparation of duplicate ticket.
- What services are offered at the reference desk
- If a book is not available in the library but is worth to be purcahsed or library , what is the procedure to recommend it.
Users can recommend any book which is worth to be kept in library stock. Faculty/students can recommend book/s on the prescribed profoma with recommendations of head of the department. Revcommendation form is available with incharge of Acquisitin Section .
- For how many days an overnight book is issued and what is the over due fine for it:- This is a short loan book and is issued fro two days and a fine of Rs. 10/-per day is charged.