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Title Author Discipline Department Publisher
A Course in Electrical Machine Design A.K. Sawhney Dhanpat Rai
A Text Book of Building Construction S.K. Sharma; B.K. Kaul S. Chand and Company
Abnormal Psychology: The problem of Maladaptive Behavior Sarason,I.G. and Barbara R, Sarason, B. R. Prentice Hall.
Advanced Abnormal psychology Hersen,M. Springer
Advanced Concepts in Operating Systems Mukesh Singhal and N. G. Shivaratri McGraw- Hill
Advanced Engineering Mathematics Kreyszig, Erwin John n Wiley
Advanced Engineering Thermodynamics Bejan, A. John Wiley and Sons
Advanced Industrial Organization Stephen, Martin Blackwell Publishing
Advanced Linux Networking Roderick W. Smith Addison-Wesley Professional
Advanced Mechanics of Materials Boresi, A.P. and Schmidt, R.J. Wiley
Advanced Mechanics of Materials Kumar K. and Ghai, R. C. Khanna Publishers
Advanced Mechanics of Solids Srinath, L. S. Tata Mc-Graw Hill
Advanced Methods of Biomedical Signal Processing Cerutti, S. and Marchesi, C. John Wiley & Sons
Advanced Microprocessors and Peripherals ? Architecture, Programming and Interfacing Bhurchandi, K.M.; Ray, A.K Tata McGraW Hill
Advanced Power System Analysis and Dynamics Singh L.P. Wiley Eastern
Advanced Quantum Mechanics Sakurai, J.J. Pearson Education
Advanced Techniques for Counseling and Psychotherapy Christian , C. Springer
Advanced Thermodynamics for Engineers Winterbone, D. & Turan, A. Butterworth Heinemann
Advanced Thermodynamics for Engineers, Wark K. McGraw Hill
Advanced Vehicle Technology Heinz, H. Arnold Publishers
Air Pollution Rao MNand Rao HVN Tata McGraw-Hill
Air Pollution Control and Engineering De Nevers N Mc Graw Hill
Air Pollution Control Engineering De Nevers, N McGraw-Hill
Algorithms Sedgewick R. and Wayne K. Addison-Wesley Professional
Alter ego-1 : M?thode de fran?ais Annie Berthet, Catherine Hugot, V?ronique M. Kizirion, Beatrix Sampsonis, Monique Waendendries
An introduction to Mathematical Cryptography J. Pipher, J. Hoffstein and J.H. Silverman Springer-verlag
An Introduction to Mathematical Modeling Edward A. Bender Dover
An Introduction to Thermodynamics Rao, Y.V. C Universities Press
Analog Integrated Circuit Design Johns, D.A. and Martin John Wiley, (2008).
Analog MOS Integrated Circuits for Signal Processing Gregorian, R. and Temes, G.C., John Wiley (2004).
Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits Gray, P.R., Hurst, P.J., Lewis, S.H., and Meyer, R.G. John Wiley (2001).
Analysis and Performance of Fiber Composites Agrawal, B.D. and Broutman, L. J. John Wiley &Sons
Analytical Mathematics in Physics Harper C. Prentice Hall
Animal Biotechnology Ranga, M.M. Agrobios
Animal Cell Culture Masters, J. R.W Oxford
Antennas for Information Super Skyways: An Exposition on Outdoor and Indoor Wireless Antennas, Neelakanta, Perambur S., and Chatterjee, Rajeswar Research Studies Press
Applied Finite Element Analysis for Engineers Stasa, F.L., Rinehart and Winston
Applied Hydrology Chow, V.T., Maidment, D.R., and Mays, L.W. Mc-Graw-Hill International Editions
Applied Numerical Analysis Gerald F. C. and Wheatley O. P. Pearson
Applied Tribology: Bearing Design and Lubrication Khonsari, M.M., Booser, E.R. John Wiley & Sons
Arduino Workshop - A Hands-On Introduction with 65 Projects John Boxall No Starch Press
ARM System Developer?s Guide Andrew N. Sloss Morgan Kaufmann publications
ARM System Developer?s Guide Designing and Optimizing System Software Andrew N. Sloss Morgan Kaufman Publication
ARM System on chip Architecture Steve Furber Addison Wesley (2000)
Art of Electronics Horowitz P. and Hill, W. Cambridge University Press
Artificial Intelligence Rich E., Knight K. and Nair B. S. Tata McGraw Hills
Artificial Intelligence Winston, P.H Addison Wesley
Artificial Intelligence : A Modern Approach Russel S., Norvig P. Prentice Hall
Artificial Intelligence : Structures and Strategies for Complex Problem Solving Luger F. G. Pearson Education Asia
Artificial Intelligence: Structures and Strategies for Complex Problem Solving George F. Luger Pearson Education
Artificial Neural Networks Yegnanarayana, B. Prentice?Hall of India Private Limited
Artificial Neural Networks Narayana, Y. Prentice ? Hall of India
ASM Hand book, Vol. 7: Powder Metallurgy ASM ASM International
Automated Manufacturing Systems Morriss, S. B., McGraw Hill
Automatic Control Systems Benjamin Kuo Wiley India
Automatic Control Systems Kuo, B.C Prentice?Hall of India Private Limited
Automation, Production System & Computer Integrated Manufacturing Groover, M. P. Pearson Education
Automobile Mechanics Giri, N. K. Khanna Publishers
Automotive Mechanics Crouse, W. and Anglin, D. Tata McGraw Hill
Awakening the Entrepreneur Within: How Ordinary People Can Create Extraordinary Companies Gabor, Michael E. Primento