Bibliographic Databases

ISID has developed databases on various aspects of the Indian economy, particularly concerning industry and the corporate sector.It has created online indexes of Indian social science journals (OLI) and press clippings on diverse social science subjects.
URL: ( Username: thapar Password: tNA81971107)

JCC- J-Gate Custom Content for Consortium is a virtual library of journal literature created as a customized e-journals access gateway and database solution. It acts as a one point access to 7900+ journals subscribed currently under UGC- Infonet digital library consortium.

MathSciNet MathSciNet is an electronic publication offering access to a carefully maintained and easily searchable database of reviews, abstracts and bibliographic information for much of the mathematical sciences literature.


RSC- Royal Society of Chemistry is extremely active in determining the future of chemical education, seeking to influence Government by submitting evidence to Parliament and anticipating developments in education policy.

Web of Science (WOS) provides access to the world’s leading citation databases. It
searches over 10,000 journals from over 45 different languages across sciences, social
sciences, and arts and humanities with back files to 1900. The citations (or footnotes) allow
one to navigate forward, backward, and through journal articles and both journal and bookbased
proceedings. Its Analyze Tool also helps in finding hidden trends and patterns, gain
insight into emerging fields of research, identify leading researchers, institutions, and
journals, and trace the history of a particular field of study.